Beginning band
How do I get my child started with band?
If you've been directed to this page, you either have an eager 4th or 5th grader that wants to join band, or you have an older child who is interested in jumping in later. Either way, you'll find everything you need to know here - including letters that have been sent home (elementary), the supply list for beginners, and a rental flier for Pellegrino Music Center (who services school instruments and makes weekly visits to the school; based in Canton). You are also more than welcome to visit any other local music stores in the area, such as Johnny's Music Shoppe in Massillon or Taylor Band & Orchestra in Akron, among others.

4th Grade Spring Letter
Here is the spring letter containing a few details about band for next year. Note that, beginning next year, 5th grade band students will receive scheduled specials class time for band in addition to small-group instrument lessons before school (one specials class & one lesson each week).

5th Grade Band Supply List
See the list above (2 pages) for what is needed for 5th grade band - including a binder, book, instrument, and instrument-specific supplies. It is highly recommended to utilize a local music store to ensure a quality instrument and avoid low-quality online deals that may be subject to breaking easily and frequently. With the supply list are some tips on finding an instrument should you choose NOT to rent or purcahse through a local business.

Pellegrino Music Center
There are several music stores in the Stark-Tusc area, including Pellegrino Music Center in Canton, Johnny's Music Shoppe in Massillon, Don Lazar Music in Canton, and others! Pellegrino Music Center regularly services school instruments and provides supplies and can easily deliver rentals, supplies, etc. during their weekly visit to the school. Feel free to contact them - or any store you'd like - with any questions about rentals.

Why Band?!
Here are a few slides detailing the benefits of participating in band, some of the activities, performances, and trips the band participates in, and answers to any questions you might have about how band works at Strasburg.